Let me personally welcome you to our English Department’s homepage! Our department is made up of many dedicated multi-talented and credentialed professionals whom you will often see across campus, engaged in teaching, sponsoring clubs, conducting workshops, along with participating in extracurricular activities as evidence of our solid commitment to students. The English Department’s academic mission on campus is a dual one.

We provide excellent instruction in general education courses of the Core Curriculum that offers students foundational skills (in reading, writing, speech, foreign languages, literature, theater, music, and the humanities) they need to pursue and attain their goals. As of Fall 2009, we are also offering upper-division courses for the new Bachelor of Arts in English and the Bachelor of Arts in English with secondary-level teacher certification.
These pages contain an overview of our programs of study, our instructional support labs, our faculty, and other activities or projects in which we are engaged. Should you not find the information you need, please do not hesitate to get in touch so we can assist you. Thank you for visiting!
Dr. Kerri Allen
[email protected]
Mission Statement
As its primary purpose, the Department of English provides excellent instruction in courses that further all general educational goals of Dalton State College. The Department also fosters a rich teaching and learning environment to sustain and improve instructional effectiveness and to encourage creativity. Classes train students in effective use of both written and spoken language, teach them analytical techniques and terminologies useful for general academic endeavors, and acquaint them with humanistic traditions of their own and other cultures. To achieve these aims, the Department offers courses that support certificate, associate, and baccalaureate programs. These courses include preparatory skills in English and reading, English as a second language, freshman composition, literary studies, creative writing, humanities, speech communication, music appreciation, French, and Spanish. Additionally, the Department provides tutoring and assistance through its Writing Lab and showcases student writing through Department and College publications.
Programs of Study
Explore the diverse range of programs we offer to help you embark on a fulfilling journey in the field of English at Dalton State.