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STUDY ABROAD with Dalton State College

Dear Students, Have you ever thought about studying abroad? I urge you to do so! This may be the best time in your life to see the world, and at the same time earn academic credit toward completion of your degree requirements. So, rather than taking all your classes here in Dalton, Georgia, consider taking a couple in England, France, China, Spain, Germany, Russia, or some other fascinating location. How about Speech and Comparative Politics in China?" US History and World Literature in London? French and Human Geography in Paris?

Living in another country; learning about its culture and customs; realizing similarities and differences between home and your host country - all this and more is part of the experience that will change the way you see the world and yourself. Furthermore, international experience will increase the value of your college degree and will likely benefit your career options. Indeed, studying abroad is one of the best investments you can make in your college education and future career!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Fernando Garcia. Also, If you would like to join our Study Abroad email group. Go to DSConnect and search for Study Abroad under the groups icon on the top right.

Dr. Fernando Garcia

Chair, International Education Committee
Gignilliat Memorial Hall, Room 004