Mission Statement and Program Outcomes

We the faculty of the Nursing Department at Dalton State College believe that our mission is to prepare students for employment as safe, caring, beginning nurse generalists who will assist in meeting the health care needs and improving the overall quality of life within the region.  Our mission corresponds with the four core commitments of the Dalton State College mission as found in the Dalton State Catalog.

  • selection, support, and development of a talented, caring faculty and staff dedicated to scholarship and creating an open, cooperative, technologically enhanced learning environment.
  • excellence in a learning environment dedicated to serving a diverse student body, promoting high levels of student achievement, and providing a range of educational and student life opportunities and appropriate academic support
  • public service through economic development and cultural activities that address the needs and improve the quality of life of the region.
  • continuous improvement in all aspects of its operations through the use of inclusive, participatory planning and meaningful assessment.

In fulfilling the first core commitment, the Nursing Department employs full time faculty with a minimum Master’s Degree preparation.  Many of the nursing faculty maintain additional certifications in a variety of specialty areas.  These faculty members are dedicated to ensuring student success through teaching efforts, and a technologically enhanced learning environment using human patient simulators, online course offerings and the use of clinical facilities with electronic medication and medical record systems.

The second core commitment is fulfilled through providing students with exceptional learning opportunities in a wide variety of health care related areas that serve diverse patient populations.  Supporting, encouraging, and recognizing the abilities, values, cultural, and gender diversity of the student population are priorities in promoting the success of our graduates.

In fulfilling the third core commitment, a commitment to public service is demonstrated by collaborative efforts with other DSC faculty and staff, local hospitals, agencies and Departments.   Faculty, staff and students frequently volunteer their knowledge and skills at local events or activities that seek to address health promotion, higher education, or support the mission of Dalton State College.

Every faculty and staff member of the Nursing Department continually strives to ensure fulfillment of the fourth and final core commitment.  In order to meet the needs of our graduates and their employers as well as to ensure instruction is current and relevant to health care, data are collected from a variety of areas and evaluated to continually improve the quality of education and instruction.  Each member of the nursing faculty serves on various college wide committees involved with planning and assessing the purpose and mission of the college.

In fulfilling the mission of the department and the college, we seek to inspire our students to be active members who continually grow in knowledge and skill through education and practice within the nursing profession.  As we look to the future and our place in a competitive, global society, we seek to become more student-oriented and community-centered.  Successful completion of the new graduate outcomes enable graduates to realize their career goals and function safely and effectively as beginning nurse generalists.


The mission/purpose of Dalton State College Department of Nursing is to prepare students for employment as safe, effective registered nurses.

Program Outcomes:

LPN and ASN Programs:

  1. Synthesize knowledge from nursing and related disciplines in the provision of care to clients within the health-illness continuum throughout the life span.
  2. Utilize creative leadership to promote quality health care and patient safety in a rapidly changing multicultural, multiethnic, global environment.
  3. Synthesize and apply evidence and research findings from nursing and from other disciplines to improve or change nursing practice.
  4. Use appropriate and current technology and skills in the delivery of safe and effective patient care.
  5. Function as an advocate and change agent in influencing healthcare policies, delivery, economics, and health disparities to improve the quality of health for diverse populations.
  6. Collaborate and communicate with members of the health care team in the delivery of individualized, cost-effective and ethical healthcare services.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of accountability, responsibility, values, and standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct that impact the role and practice of the professional nurse.
  8. Utilize theoretical knowledge and clinical competencies in caring for culturally diverse populations in a variety of clinical settings.
  9. Pursue higher degrees in nursing.

RN-BSN Program:

  1. To provide accessibility and seamless progression for ASN-RNs to obtain a Bachelor’s of Science Degree (BSN).
  2. To prepare ASN-RNs for professional advancement through the BSN by expanding knowledge and skills in the following: – nursing judgments/clinical decision making utilizing nursing science and knowledge from other disciplines in the provision of safe, high quality care- utilization and development of evidence based practice and health care informatics.
  3. To provide patient/client-centered care in collaboration with other health care providers and patients, families and communities locally, nationally and globally that fulfills human capacities.
  4. To prepare graduates to pursue higher degrees in nursing