Campus Life - Birdfeeder History - Dalton State College

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Campus Life

Birdfeeder History

The Birdfeeder opened in January of 2014 as a food bank for students living on campus after several people noticed students were struggling academically due to food insecurity. Employee Sherry Breitweiser saw students needed food and began keeping small items such as cereal in her office. Janet Hayes, the administrative assistant in enrollment services, wanted to expand. She knew she could get donations but could not run the food bank.  She contacted Natalie Bates, director of residence life at the time, and Jason Ramos, assistant director for residence life, to discuss options to help provide food for residential students. The result was the Birdfeeder.

After the Pope Student Center was renovated, the Birdfeeder was re-located to the Student Center in October 2016 and made available to any currently enrolled Dalton State Student. During the 2016-17 academic year, the Birdfeeder moved under the direction of Student Life, and processes and procedures were updated with the goal of making the pantry more efficient, sustainable, and student-led.

As one of the first food pantries for students in the University System of Georgia, the Birdfeeder received the Chancellor's Gold Award as an innovative, effective solution and strategy for improving student success. 

In March 2018, the Dalton State Foundation agreed to sponsor the Birdfeeder. This allowed the pantry to become a non-profit organization recognized by section 501(c)(3) if the Internal Revenue Code. Weeks later, the Birdfeeder was  accepted as a Partner Agency with the Chattanooga Area Food Bank.
