Fitness Center Dress Code and Policies

Policy when entering Bandy Gym:

  • Entrance into the facility is through the upstairs (2nd) floor doors (parking lot entrance).
  • DSC Roadrunner or Employee ID required for each visit
    • Employees can activate their ID by stopping by the Roadrunner Card office to pay the $20 campus recreation fee for spring semester.
    • At the fitness center desk…
      • A staff will scan your Roadrunner or Employee ID.
      • You can check out a basketball or soccer ball by leaving your Roadrunner or Employee ID with the staff.

Policies in the fitness center:

  • Dress appropriately-your torso and buttocks must be covered and stay covered completely while in the fitness center and gym areas.
    • No cut-off shirts.
    • No short short’s (booty shorts) of any kind.
    • No slit down the side shirts.
    • No open toes, sandals, etc. allowed. Tennis shoes required.
    • No dirty clothes or shoes.
    • No pants with attachments, bling, or any items that can get caught or tear the cushions.
  • No food or gum.
  • Drinks must be in a No-Spill container-this includes fast food cups and coffee cups.
  • Be mindful of body products such as colognes, perfumes, etc. as these products can be irritating to those around you.
  • Bring your own mat. We are not providing mats.
  • Bring your own lock. We have lockers, but we are not providing locks.
    • Items must be removed each time you leave the fitness center or they will be turned into Public Safety.
  • We cannot provide mats for your use at this time nor lockers.
    • You can bring your own mat.
    • Try to bring minimal personal belongings with you while at the fitness center.
  • Water fountains are equipped to fill a water bottle.
  • If playing your own music, headphones are required.

Do you need a doctor’s release:

It is recommended that if you meet two or more of the following, you submit a doctor’s release before beginning any fitness class:

  • Checkmark

    You’re a man older than age 45 or a woman older than age 55

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    You have a family history of heart disease before age 55

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    You smoke or you quit smoking in the past six months

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    You haven’t exercised for three months or more

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    You’re overweight or obese

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    You have high blood pressure or high cholesterol

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    You have impaired glucose tolerance, also called pre-diabetes

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    If you are pregnant