Advice for Freshman
Advice for Freshman
Embrace new experiences, ask questions, and connect with peers. Stay organized, balance fun and studies, and don’t hesitate to seek support. Your journey starts now – make it memorable!

Navigate your college journey.
Do not miss class.
Freshmen tend to skip class more often than do upper-level students. Students who have been around the college for several semesters, however, have learned that class attendance is necessary for success. If you are not attending class, you will have to teach the material to yourself, something that is not easy to do in college courses.
Get organized.
Use a planner. You will need to write down your test dates, dates when assignments are due and other important dates. Check your planner frequently, make “to do” lists, and do not procrastinate.
Develop a daily routine.
Set aside specific times of the day for study. To do well academically, most DSC students need to devote three hours out-of-class studying for every hour you are in class.
Get enough rest.
Many beginning DSC students find themselves sleep deprived. Lack of sleep can lead to a number of unfortunate consequences such as missing morning classes, being unable to concentrate while studying and not being able to pay attention in class.
Keep up with required reading.
Putting off required textbook reading is very common among beginning college students. Procrastination usually results in having to learn a huge amount of information in a small amount of times. The night before a test is not the time to catch upon reading.
Do not let your interest in the course affect your grade in the course.
All college students, from the Middle Ages until today, have had to take courses they found less than interesting. The bottom line is, however, that all college students will receive a grade at the end of the term. Grades remain on students’ transcript forever and have long-term consequences. The mark of mature college students is that they do not let their opinions of the course, course structures or the instructors affect their performance. They study hard, learn the material, and do not make excuses for poor performance.
Study for problem solving-classes every day.
Problem-solving classes (mathematics, some sciences, economics, engineering, etc.) require daily study in the form of practice problems and homework assignments. Just because an instructor does not grade homework doesn’t mean it can be ignored.
Become involved in campus activities.
There are many clubs and organizations on campus. Becoming involved in campus activities is a good way to meet other students with similar interests. Stop by the Dean of Students Office for a complete list of clubs and organizations, or see your student planner.
Get to know your instructors.
Instructors at Dalton State College are willing to help motivated students who take an interest in the course.
Learn to limit social activities.
You cannot “go out” every night and expect to make good grades. Students can still have fun, but you will have to learn to limit your social activities to a few days per week.
Learn how to manage your money.
College students are faced with financial responsibilities that they did not have when they lived at home with their parents, for example. Keep up with how much money you have and use credit cards wisely. Make sure that you pay your bills on time.
Seek out help if you need it.
At Dalton State College, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Talk to your instructor, go to see an advisor, seek out a tutor and attend help sessions. You will be glad you did when grades are posted at the end of the semester.