The Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation Team, also known as CARE, at Dalton State College engages in proactive and collaborative approaches to identify and assess students who are potentially distressed or may exhibit concerning behaviors. The CARE team is an interdisciplinary assessment group comprised of both faculty and staff. In order to ensure the well-being and safety of our students, please submit concerns via the online CARE Referral Form.
The goal of the CARE Team is to create a seamless experience for our students by providing resources to the appropriate campus experts and departments. We strive to provide confidential and supportive consultation through assessment, response, and evaluation regarding students who may be in distress or at risk.

Reasons to Contact Us:
- Concern for student’s emotional, mental, or physical well-being
- Disruption of learning, living, or work environment
- Significant change in student’s behavior
- Situational crisis
- Threatening written or verbal language
*OR* - Uncertainty of how to respond to a situation or a student
- Unclear who to contact but have concerns about a situation or a student
Response Options May Include:
- Talking to the individual being referred, the individuals making the referral(s), and any other identified witness(es);
- Developing an action plan with suggestions, guidelines, and/or conditions for remaining as a contributing member of the campus community;
- Notifying parents or other guardians according to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act guidelines and provisions;
- Requesting permission to receive medical and educational records;
- Checking with law enforcement personnel and agencies to ascertain whether there have been previous interactions with the legal system;
- Talking with roommates, faculty, and/or staff;
- Making referrals to Student Conduct or Counseling;
- Making referrals to law enforcement and/or community resources;
- Withdrawing a student, either voluntarily or involuntarily, until such a time that the student demonstrates he or she is no longer a risk to self or others according to campus regulations and the Student Code of Conduct.
Faculty, staff, and students have the responsibility to report incidents or concerns that have the potential to produce significant anxiety, fear, shock, or grief to other individuals.