Dr. Fernando Garcia
Associate Professor of Management; Dalton State Foundation Endowed Chair; Director, Office of International Education School of Arts and Sciences Academic Affairs OfficeOffice
Gignilliat Hall 004
Faculty Qualifications
Primary Teaching Area: Management
Rank: Associate Professor, Endowed Chair in Management – Tenured
Date of Initial Hire: Assistant Professor August 2011; Tenured & Associate Professor 2021; Endowed Chair 2023
5-Year Review Period: 2019-2024
Qualification Status: SA
Academic Degrees:
D.B.A. Kennesaw State University, 2016
M.B.A. Kennesaw State University, 2009
B.S. Dalton State College, 2005
B.S. Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, 1992
Rationale for Classification:
6 PRJs and 5 OICs.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (published or accepted):
1. Garcia, F., Smith, S. R., and Helms, M.M. (2024). Measuring Employee Empowering and Ownership Under Accountability Pressure: The Case Of J&J Industries. The Case Journal – The Official Journal of the Case Association 20(1), 226-249. (AIS)
2. Garcia, F., Smith, S. R., Burger, A., and Helms, M.M. (2023). Increasing Global Mindset Trough Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): Internationalizing the Undergraduate International Business Classes. Journal of International Education in Business, 16(2), 184-203. (TLS)
3. Garcia, F., Guidice, R. M., & Mero, N. P. (2022). The Interactive Effect of Person and Situation on Explorative and Exploitative Behavior. Journal of Management and Organization, 28 (6), 1235-1255. (AIS)
4. Garcia, F., Hammontree, M.C., Helms, M.M., & Duarte. P. (2022). Adaptations of Multinational Subsidiaries for Surviving Host Country Crises: A Case Study of Venezuela. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 14(4), 396-414. (AIS)
5. Rutti, R., Garcia, F., and Helms, M. (2021) Entrepreneurship in Peru: A SWOT Analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 43(2), 369-396. (AIS)
6. Garcia, F., & Littlefield, J. (2021). Latino Needs Assessment Grant. Latin American Association Grant.
Other Intellectual Contributions (OICs):
1. Garcia, F. (2022). The Latino Community Needs Assessment Project. Dalton State Digest, 4 (1), 14-15. (AIS)
2. Garcia, F. (2021). Wright School of Business Collaborative Online International Program. Dalton State Digest, 3 (1), 4-5. (TLS)
3. Garcia, F. (2020). Bringing Speakers Virtually as a HIP Practice During COVID-19. Dalton State Digest, 2 (1), 7. (TLS)
4. Garcia, F., Littlefield, J., Marshall, V., & Kim, D. (2020). Latino Needs Assessment Grant. Principle investigator, Latin American Association. (AIS)
5. Garcia, F., Duarte, P. Hammontree, C. and Helms, M. M. (2019). Adapting for Surviving Host Country Crises: A Case Study of Venezuela’s Multinational Subsidiaries. International Conference on Higher Education & Industry, ICHEI-2019, September 9, Clayton State University, Southern Metro Atlanta, GA. (AIS)