Name:Caleb Earle
Age: 20
Hometown: Newnan
High school: Homeschooled
Major: Business Marketing
Expected graduation date: Spring 2018
Why did you choose Dalton State? I chose Dalton State because everything I was looking for in a college was found here; great housing, close to Chattanooga, and an affordable tuition. But also, I noticed that the people I encountered here genuinely loved the school and wanted to make it a better place for students, teachers, and the community.
What do you plan to do after graduation? I plan to stay in Dalton for a while, and then further in the future, I want to live in Italy and work for a non-profit organization that gives back to its community.
Who is/was your favorite professor and why? My favorite professor is Clint Kinkead. He is so engaging and fun to listen to in class, while still teaching the material well. Plus, he is a fellow Alabama Football fan!
What activities are you involved in on campus? I am currently the President of the BCM, a Christian club on campus, and have just started as a writer for the Dalton State Odyssey Team. I have also been a part of Residential Life as an RA.
What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at Dalton State? I have made the Dean’s list three times so far, and was recognized with a Student Life leadership award last spring!
What are some of your favorite activities in and around Dalton? I love hiking the Disney trail, playing Frisbee at Civitan Park, and walking around Downtown Dalton!
Where is your favorite study spot? Off campus, I spend hours at the Starbucks on Cleveland Highway, and on campus, the third floor of Peeples is normally where I hide out.
Where is your favorite hangout? My friends and I go to McDonald’s every week after our BCM meeting, but mostly, we hang out at my loft in downtown.
What is your best memory so far as part of the Roadrunner Nation? During my freshman year, it snowed a couple times and school was canceled. I didn’t really know a whole lot of people, so there were many days where I sat in my room and binge watched Netflix. One afternoon, while I was on my 20th episode of “Lost that day,” my roommate came to tell me there were people from BCM at the door asking for me. As someone who came here from out of town and didn’t know anyone, I freaked out because people actually wanted to hang out with me! We spent the day taking pictures of the campus, throwing snowballs, and then that night we made some snow cream and put together a puzzle. While that may sound really simple to some people, it was the first time that I felt like I belonged here.
What is the last book you read? “The Abolition of Man” by C.S. Lewis
What’s on your iPad? I don’t have an iPad.
Favorite comfort food? Cookie dough and chocolate milk.
Favorite line from a movie? “We used to look up and wonder about our place in the stars. Now we look down and worry about our place in the dirt.” – Interstellar. I love this quote because it reminds me to never look at difficult situations as absolute or eternal. It encourages me to continue to look for the positive view in everything even if it seems farfetched. God is way bigger than my understanding, so it would be extremely silly of me to think that there is something He couldn’t handle.
What is your guilty pleasure? I am an extremely huge Taylor Swift fan. I have 1989 on vinyl.
What do you feel most proud of? I am extremely proud and thankful for the people in my life who are confident in who they are, genuinely care about my life, and are as appreciative of me as I am of them.
If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be? My Martin guitar, watch, Italian flag, ukulele, and my Bible.
If you won the lottery, what would you do? I’d move to Italy and start an organization that teaches people how to use their talents for God and others.
What is a skill you’d like to learn and why? I want to learn five more languages fluently. I already have Italian down, so I need four more.
What cheers you up? I love going on spontaneous adventures with friends, even if it’s a late night trip to Waffle House. I’m an extroverted extrovert, so being around fun people is very appealing to me.
What is your favorite book? “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.”
Who is your hero? I have so many wonderful leaders in my life, so it’s difficult to choose just one.
Who would play you in the movie version of your life? Probably Andrew Garfield. I don’t know exactly why, I just seem to relate to him a lot.
What is your favorite childhood memory? My family has a house in Hiawassee. We normally go every year to the Georgia Mountain Fair. It has been a family tradition since my mom was little. I have such wonderful memories of that place and the adventures we have taken. We minimize technology whenever we go so that we can focus on being with each other.
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? C.S. Lewis. No question. He was such a wise and intellectual man and I would love to have a conversation with him.
What is your favorite app? Snapchat
Where is your favorite place to eat? Tacos Tu Go
What did you want to be when you were a kid? I wanted to be a pastor. I have always loved the church and seeing people discover who Jesus actually is and the enormous love He has for us.
What does it mean to you to be part of the Roadrunner Nation? I believe that being a part of the Roadrunner Nation means being willing to make sacrifices and go above and beyond to make this school a better place. True Roadrunners aren’t just here for a quality education, but to invest their time and energy into building on the positive, transforming foundation of this school so that current and future students are forever impacted by their experience at Dalton State.