Name: Guadalupe Lopez
Age: 23
Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif.
High school: Calhoun High School
Major: Biology
Expected graduation date: Spring 2018
Why did you choose Dalton State? The community atmosphere of Dalton State College was a big draw. The connections you can make with both students and professors is amazing.
What does it mean to you to be part of the Roadrunner Nation? Being a part of the Roadrunner Nation means being persistent. Throughout my college career I have had curve balls thrown at me from many directions. Being a part of this Nation has showed me that I’m not alone and that with persistence I can overcome anything.
What do you plan to do after graduation? I plan to study for the MCAT. I plan to go to medical school. Being able to become a doctor would be one of my biggest accomplishments. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to help people out in the health care aspect.
What activities are you involved in on campus? I’ve been lucky enough to hold positions in Beta Chi Nu and SACNAS for two years. I also enjoy being a regular member of the Chemistry Society and the Environmental Club.
What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at Dalton State? I was Beta Chi Nu’s Historian for the 2016-2017 school year. As historian I made a scrapbook of all the activities BXN accomplished that year. The scrapbook won first place at the regional level of TriBeta.
What are some of your favorite activities in and around Dalton? Going to the antique shops around Dalton. I could easily spend an hour or two just looking at all the items in the store.
Where is your favorite study spot? I would say my bedroom but the bed is like 10 feet away. So, I’m going to have to go with the tutoring room in Peeples Hall. It’s a great room to study in.
If you had a theme song, what would it be? Batman 1989 theme song by Danny Elfman
Favorite line from a movie? “I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again.” The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
If you won the lottery, what would you do? I would build my parents their dream house for sure. I have the layout of what my parents want. So being able to build that has been a goal of mine since I was a child. Half of the rest of the money will go into my savings, and the other portion will go to an Alzheimer’s research foundation.
What is a skill you’d like to learn and why? The skill that I would like to accomplish is to be trilingual. Luckily for me Dalton State offers Elementary French, so I am currently in that course! My reasoning? To say I know three languages. Also, to watch French films without the subtitles.
What cheers you up? Laughter is one of the best things that cheers me up. Whether I make someone laugh or someone makes me laugh it always seems to cheer me up at moments. For those few seconds of laughter it allows me to clear my mind, reflect, and then act.
Who is your hero? My parents are my heroes. The sacrifices they endure to make sure their children have what they need in life to succeed is a lot. I can’t be more thankful to them. I’m proud to call them my parents and my heroes. I hope to be able to be like them one day.
What is your favorite childhood memory? There are many to choose from. My all-time favorite would have to be my first time going to the beach in Mexico. We went to my father’s home town of Acapulco, Mexico. When we went on a boat ride I could look into the ocean through the clear bottom panel of the boat. My siblings and I could see all sorts of ocean life with my dad, and it was just an innocent way to spend family time. Moments like those are my all time favorites.
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? Robin Williams. He’s someone that I have watched in movies throughout my entire life. He could make me laugh so easily; it was insane. #RIP Robin Williams, truly an inspiration.
What is your favorite app? Snapchat. I don’t post much but when I do it’s LIT.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? I wanted to be a pilot when I was younger. Then I realized that I was afraid of heights… so that plan changed.
As a Roadrunner, what does it mean to Run Boldly? To Run Boldly means to be able find ways to overcome obstacles. Running boldly is to continue your path towards a goal that you have set for yourself. The way I look at my future is that I want to become the person I needed when I was a child. I want to be able help those in need. Dalton State College allows me to overcome obstacles that come my way.