Name: Will Skiffen
Age: 26
Hometown: Calhoun, GA
High school: Gordon Central High School
Major: History with Secondary Education Certification
Expected graduation date: May 2017
Why did you choose Dalton State? I chose Dalton State because it was a more affordable choice, and it allowed me to be close to home with my wife and daughter.
What do you plan to do after graduation? After graduation, I plan to find a job teaching in a high school or middle school in the area, as well as return to school to receive my master’s degree.
Who is/was your favorite professor and why? My favorite professor to this point has been Dr. Thomas Veve. He has a knack for teaching history, and he is very passionate about it. He has inspired me to read more into military history and has continued to motivate me to become a future college professor.
What activities are you involved in on campus? I am SGA Vice President, member of the History Club, Teach Club, and manager of the Game Room.
What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at Dalton State? My biggest achievement so far has been winning the John A. Hutchenson Scholarship for History from the Dalton State Foundation last year. This was an honor considering that out of all history majors I was chosen for this honor.
Where is your favorite study spot? I love to hang out in the upper level of Pope Student Center as well as in the game room, which may sound weird but I work well surrounded by friends and gaming!
What is the last book you read? The last book I read was The Populist Vision for my Gilded Age/Progressive Era history class with Dr. Sarah Mergel.
Favorite comfort food? Chicken wings or steak
If you had a theme song, what would it be? “Hakuna Matata” from The Lion King
What is your guilty pleasure? I am a huge gamer!
What do you feel most proud of? I am proud to be back in college and setting an example for my daughter and making life better for her. But I am also proud of my wife Stephanie Skiffen who is about to graduate from Dalton State in fall 2015!
If you won the lottery, what would you do? I would take care of my parents and my in-laws for life. I would put aside money for my daughter so that she can go to college when she grows up. I would pay off all debt and buy a new house for my family. I would donate to several different charity organizations, as well as start a nonprofit organization for veterans. And I would donate to Dalton State as well as set up a scholarship for future students at the College.
What cheers you up? Being on campus during the week and interacting with my fellow roadrunners, and being home and enjoying time with my wife and daughter and watching her grow.
Who would play you in the movie version of your life? Daniel Radcliffe because he can pull off glasses!
What is your favorite childhood memory? When I was 4 years old and the Blizzard of 1993 hit I jumped into three feet of snow wearing nothing but pajama bottoms!
If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? I would like to meet John F. Kennedy and learn more about his life and the decisions he made regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Civil Rights Movement.
What does it mean to you to be part of the Roadrunner Nation? Being a part of the Roadrunner Nation, to me, means having pride in your college, your education, and your college family. Dalton State has given me the training and education I need to make it in today’s world and has given me the ability to step up and be a leader. It has also given me the ability to extend my family with all the friends I have made through the past few years. This College is my home and the students, faculty, and staff are my extended family. So being part of Roadrunner Nation, for me, is being a part of a family.