Institutional Exams

Institutional Exams
Institutional exams are exams given by some departments that will allow you to exempt one of their classes. Please note that not all departments or classes have these exams.
When Is This Test Offered?
To schedule an appointment, kindly check for a suitable date and time.
If you have any questions or concerns, kindly send an email at [email protected].
If you have any questions or concerns, kindly send an email at [email protected].
Institutional Exams
Dalton State College offers the opportunity to waive a specific course requirement.

Test Preparation
As with any examination, be sure to study and prepare adequately. Don’t hesitate to inquire with the department responsible for the exam about recommended study materials or resources.

Who Is This Exam For?
These exams are open to individuals who wish to exempt themselves from a mandatory course requirement.

Items To Bring
The only items you are allowed to have in the Testing Center are your ID and any material allowed on the exam. Please do not bring anything else with you.

Security Requirements
There are no security measures in place for these exam, however, please do not bring anything to the Testing Center with you as you can have nothing at your testing station unless specified by the instructor.

Where Do I Pay the Fees?
All fees must be paid in the Business Office prior to taking your exam. You will be required to show proof of payment before testing.