
Make-Up Testing

Make-up exams refer to assessments that students may have missed during their regular class sessions due to various circumstances.
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Exam Description

In certain cases, instructors may offer students the opportunity to take these missed exams in a designated Testing Center, providing a convenient and fair means for students to make up for missed academic evaluations.
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Test Preparation

To achieve your highest potential in any examination, it is crucial to consistently dedicate time and effort to thorough study and preparation. This commitment ensures that you are well-equipped to perform at your best when the exam day arrives.
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Who is this exam for?

Make-up exams are accessible to individuals who have missed an initial classroom examination and have received permission from the instructor to take a replacement test.
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Items To Bring

The only items allowed in the Testing Center is your ID and any items your instructor allows you to have on the exam. Please do not bring any electronic devices.
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Security Requirements

All make-up test takers are being monitored. Please do not bring anything to the Testing Center other than your ID, which is required and any items your instructor allows you to have on the exam.
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Where do I pay the fees?

There is no fee for make-up testing.


To provide the best service for your students on their exam date, please follow the policies and procedures provided in the Testing Center Policy Manual.

Please submit all exams to the Testing Center electronically via the Exam Proctor Form.

When is this test offered?

Check the availability of the make-up tests.

See Schedule

Got Questions?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for your inquiries.