Guide to Giving

Student with bookbag

How To Give

Annual Giving

Annual financial support for Dalton State’s students and academic programs is an essential component of the College’s success. A monthly or quarterly recurring annual gift is the easiest and fastest way to support Dalton State.

Major Gifts & Endowments

Visionary philanthropy is a catalyst for the college’s growth. Gifts to build or expand campus facilities, endowments to sustain scholarships or support faculty, lecture programs, and academic departments are vital to Dalton State’s continuing ability to provide a high-quality experience for our students. Please contact us to know more about major gifts and endowments.

Matching Gifts

You may be able to multiply the impact of your gift with a matching gift from your employer. Check with your or your spouse’s human resources office to see if they have a matching gift program.

Honor & Memorial Gifts

You may designate your gift to Dalton State in honor or memory of a special friend or family member. Simply make this designation on the online giving form or note it on your gift correspondence, and we will notify the person or family of your thoughtfulness.

Naming Opportunities

We honor extraordinary philanthropy with a campus naming with the donor’s permission. Please contact us if you’d like to explore a naming opportunity at Dalton State.

Faculty & Staff Giving

We are proud that so many of our own faculty and staff give to Dalton State. Faculty and staff may use this form to give by payroll deduction.

Ways to Give

Gifts of Cash or Cash Equivalents

The Foundation gratefully accepts gifts of U.S. currency or check, major credit cards, debit card, payroll deduction (for Dalton State employees), ACH deposit, electronic funds transfer (EFT) and wire transfer.
Checks may be made payable to the Dalton State Foundation. Our mailing address is 650 College Drive, Dalton, Georgia 30720 and our offices are located on campus in Ottinger Hall, lower level.

Credit and debit cards accepted include Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover and may be submitted online, in person at the Foundation’s offices in Ottinger Hall, by phone at 706-272-4473 or by U.S. Mail to the Dalton State Foundation, 650 College Drive, Dalton, Georgia 30720.

Gifts from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

The IRA charitable distribution provision that was made permanent in 2015 allows donors age 70½ and older to make charitable distributions of up to $100,000 per year from a qualified IRA. Please consult with your tax adviser for additional details.

Gifts of Stocks, Bonds, or Mutual Fund Shares

Gifts of publicly traded stocks, bonds and mutual funds may generate significant tax benefits for the donor. Please consult with your tax adviser for details. You may download our instruction sheet to complete and give to your broker for these types of gifts. Please contact us if you are thinking about a gift of stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares.

Gifts of Tangible Personal Property or Gifts-in-Kind

These may be accepted if the property has tangible value to the College or can be liquidated to generate cash. Gifts of tangible personal property or gifts-in-kind are subject to the Foundation’s gift acceptance policy and may require submission of relevant IRS forms for gift valuation purposes. Please contact us if you are thinking about a gift of tangible personal property or a gift-in-kind.

Gifts of Works of Art

These are subject to guidelines similar to those for gifts of tangible personal property or gifts-in-kind and they must benefit the College as objects of cultural value.

Gifts of Real Estate

Gifts of real property are subject to approval under the Foundation’s gift acceptance policy and require certain acts of due diligence prior to acceptance. Please contact us if you are thinking about a gift of real estate.


Donors may include Dalton State in their will or codicil specifying a certain amount or percentage from the estate. In addition to helping the donor realize charitable goals, a bequest may result in tax advantages to the estate. Please consult your estate planning attorney or tax adviser for details. You may download our guide to making a bequest to Dalton State. We encourage you to contact us to verify that we will be able to honor your wishes if you include Dalton State in a bequest.

Planned Gifts or Deferred Gifts

Establishing a life-income or planned gift begins with a call to the Foundation office at 706-272-4473. We can work with your counsel to achieve your philanthropic goals, or we can suggest qualified, experienced professionals who will assist you with planning a gift to Dalton State.

Make an impact today

Invest in the bright future of our next generation by providing financial support for our scholarship funds, faculty and academic programs, and school facilities. Together, partnering with you, we can change lives.

We're here to help!

Our team strives to create a supportive and nurturing environment where you can thrive and achieve your academic success.

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries.

  • Person Icon Dalton State Foundation
  • Phone icon 706-272-4473
  • Map Icon Ottinger Hall, Lower level 650 College Drive Dalton, Georgia 30720