WSOB Job Shadow Program For Students

(Freshman and Sophomore Business Majors)
Dalton State College’s Wright School of Business provides all business students with an array of experiential educational opportunities outside the classroom. The Wright Job Shadow Program provides freshmen and sophomore-level students with unique experiences to explore our business majors. First complete our business quiz to see which major best fits your interests. Then participate in our Wright Job Shadow Program and spend a half day observing professionals, investigating a career field, and experiencing a typical day on the job.
Why should I participate in the Wright Job Shadow Program?
Wright Job Shadowing is a great way to learn about the day-to-day work life of a professional in a business career of your choice. The Wright Job Shadow program offers the chance to “test” a major early in your academic career. Finally, determining your choice of business major early ensures you graduate on time, do not have to take extra courses, and most importantly, saves you tuition fees.
What activities are involved?
You may take a tour, conduct informational interviews with employees in various specializations and at different levels, review company literature, sit in on meetings, and ask questions about the organization and the necessary training and certifications needed to enter the field.
How do I apply for the Wright Job Shadowing Opportunity at DSC?
Applying for the Wright Job Shadow Program is a simple process. Contact the Associate Dean of the Wright School of Business, Dr. Jamie Connors at [email protected] or stop by her office in Gignilliat Hall, Room 112.
You will receive an e-mail from Dr. Connors with your assigned host organization and contact information. You are responsible for contacting your host organization to arrange a time and date to conduct your visit. Choose a time and date which is convenient for both you and your host organization and that does not conflict with your class schedule. Don’t forget to inquire about dress but we always recommend boardroom attire. Also, be sure you have the address and directions.
Research the Organization!
Research the organization prior to your visit! These instructions will help you navigate through our library databases of company and industry information.
Prepare a List of Questions
Arrive prepared to ask questions throughout the visit or set aside time for an informational interview with the individuals you shadow. This list of questions will get you started.
What do I do after my Wright Job Shadowing visit?
Within one week after participating in your Wright Job Shadowing opportunity, prepare and send a thank you note. Stop by Gignilliat Hall room 109 to pick up WSOB logo cards and follow this example. Thank you notes are an essential part of business/workplace etiquette. In addition, you will want to reflect on your future business career plans. Do you want to participate in another Wright Job Shadowing? Remember, Wright Job Shadowing opportunities are designed to give you a head start on your business career. Finally, meet with your advisor to ensure you are in the “Wright” business major.
WSOB Job Shadow Program For Employers
If you are interested in offering a job shadow for one of our WSOB business students, please fill out the survey here. Someone will contact you to set up a meeting to discuss the program more and what your responsibilities will be.