Name: Ben Goldman

Age: 40

Hometown: Tunnel Hill

High school: Ringgold

Major: Biology with secondary certificate

Expected graduation date: Fall 2022

Why did you choose Dalton State? All my family went here, and I have pride in the fact that I go here as well.

What does it mean to you to be part of the Roadrunner Nation? To be part of a great school, community and family. We are a small school with big time education.

Who is/was your favorite professor and why? This is a hard one to pick from because DSC is full of wonderful professors that do all they can to help you. If I had to pick one, I would pick Dr. Collison. His wit and humor make the class fun, and the way he teaches makes learning chemistry fun.

What activities are you involved in on campus? LACROSSE. Yes, we have a lacrosse team. I am also a tutor and enjoy helping other to find the joy in learning.

What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at Dalton State? Becoming the leader of the lacrosse team. Keeping my GPA high enough to be accepted into ODK. Getting to be a tutor.

Where is your favorite study spot? The cafeteria

What is your best memory so far as part of the Roadrunner Nation? Playing against the Tennessee Vols in Lacrosse.

Favorite comfort food? Coffee

If you had a theme song, what would it be? It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock’n Roll)

Favorite line from a movie? “Antici……pation”

What do you feel most proud of? My kids, both are unbelievable

What is your favorite book? Lord of the Rings

Who is your hero? My older brother Chris Smith

Who would play you in the movie version of your life? Jason Statham

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? Theodore Roosevelt

Where is your favorite place to eat? Ankar’s in Chattanooga

What did you want to be when you were a kid? A veterinarian

As a Roadrunner, what does it mean to Run Boldly? To perform at your best. It may not be the best, but if you give it your all, you will never lose.